Dec 14th - 20th

Can’t wait for this upcoming week!!!! Come join us, you will LOVE IT!

Weekly Workout Schedule: Dec 14th-20th!

Awesome workouts this week!!!!  Come join us, you will LOVE IT ️!

Monday: 10-Min Dumbbell Back and Biceps plus bonus moves. The pre-recorded follow along workout goes up at 6am PST on The Sweat Box Membership (TSBM) or will be sent to your inbox if you don’t have fb. You can find the post permanently in the ‘Michelle’s LIVE Workouts’ UNIT on Facebook. YAY!

Tuesday: Surprise! A creative client feature showing a doable fun and exciting workout. I loooove showing my training. All ages, all fitness levels, all injury levels. Awesome to get some fitspiration! The workout goes up at 6am PST on The Sweat Box Membership (TSBM) or will be sent to your inbox if you don’t have fb. 

Wednesday: 20-Min Booty HIIT using a bench or chair. Fantastic homeworkout that boosts your metabolism and gets you hot and sweaty! The pre-recorded follow along workout goes up at 6am PST on The Sweat Box Membership (TSBM) or will be sent to your inbox if you don’t have fb. You can find the post permanently  in the ‘Michelle’s LIVE Workouts’ UNIT on Facebook.

Thursday: A LIVE Discussion on the membership IG @michelle.siegel. How to lean out and keep your weight under control especially during the holidays. Post stays up for 7 days. 

Friday: Freaky Friday Tricks! Creative Core Crusher...It’s time to play and make up some FUN NEW EXERCISES to keep you motivated. The workout goes up at 6am PST on The Sweat Box Membership (TSBM) or will be sent to your inbox if you don’t have fb. You can find the post permanently  in the ‘Core’ UNIT on Facebook.

Saturday: 25-Min Dumbbell Fullbody Fun! No weights? No problem. I give you Bodyweight options for everything. Also, there’s modifications for all fitness and injury levels. I gotcha! The pre-recorded follow along workout goes up at 6am PST on The Sweat Box Membership (TSBM) or will be sent to your inbox if you don’t have fb. You can find the post permanently  in the ‘Michelle’s LIVE Workouts’ UNIT on Facebook.

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