Embrace the CHANGE!
As a woman of a certain age myself, i can tell you from experience that everything slows down once you cross that 40 year mark.
Things shift: eye sight, skin texture, metabolism, hair thickness…..
Acceptance is the key to your happiness as you get older. Me for one, i can no longer do any impact work nor overload my lunges to work my peach. But guess what: i CAN do tons of amazing workouts (just check out my “How to get an Inner Thigh Gap” posts). PLUS, I can do incredible core routines that keep me lean and trim.
It just takes a mind shift and a more watchful eating schedule to stay in shape. I highly recommend you skip dinner like in a standard female 14/10 intermittent fasting protocol and you will see that you can keep your awesome figure as you age. I believe in you….YOU GOT THIS!