A) Straight Arm Roll-Outs
20 Reps Total
B) Straight Arm Plank Hold Feet Elevated
15 - 20 Seconds
C) Straight Arm Roll-Outs Feet Elevated
15 Reps Total
Straight arm rollouts then add alternating leg lifts (bring feet together) into a plank hold, 10 reps each.
D) Single Leg Roll-Outs Feet Elevated
15 Reps Per Side
A) Elbow Plank Alternating Marching
20 Reps Total
Do this on your hands first, once it becomes easy transfer to your elbows.
B) Elbow Plank Alternating Marching With Roll-Outs In Between
20 Reps Total
Perform this on your hands once able.
C) Elbow Plank Alternating Marching WHILE Doing A Rollout
20 Reps Total
Perform this on your hands once able.